Thanks For down Loading SomeShit Version 0.00 Yo whats going on this is some stuff you can put into your alias file, your popups menu, and even a Clone detector. By: Mike-311, Nine7Sicks or RastaMan Slap this shit in your alias _____________________________________________________________________ /r { set %i $replace(*1,$chr(32),) | set %i $left(200,%i) | set %o $chr(3) $+ 4,1 | set %p 1 | set %c 1 :loop set %o %o $+ $chr(3) $+ $token( %c , 38 , 4&7&8&9&11&13 ) $+ $mid(%p,1,%i) inc %p if ( $mid(%p,1,%i) != ) { inc %c } if ( %c > 6 ) { set %c 1 } if ( $mid(%p,1,%i) != $null ) { goto loop } say %o unset %o %i %p %c } _____________________________________________________________________ /brick { %num = 1 | unset %msg | %msg =  | %color = p :start if %color == p { %num2 = 1 | %num3 = 4 | %color = y | goto add } if %color == y { %num2 = 4 | %num3 = 1 | %color = p | goto add } :add if $mid(%num,1, *1) != $null { %msg = %msg $+  $+ %num2 $+ , $+ %num3 $+ $mid(%num, 1,*1) $+  inc %num goto start } say %msg } _____________________________________________________________________ /coke { %num = 1 | unset %msg | %msg =  | %color = p :start if %color == p { %num2 = 0 | %num3 = 4 | %color = y | goto add } if %color == y { %num2 = 4 | %num3 = 0 | %color = p | goto add } :add if $mid(%num,1, *1) != $null { %msg = %msg $+  $+ %num2 $+ , $+ %num3 $+ $mid(%num, 1,*1) $+  inc %num goto start } say %msg } _____________________________________________________________________ /s say 1,8:) /f say 1,8:( _____________________________________________________________________ /xmas { %num = 1 | unset %msg | %msg =  | %color = p :start if %color == p { %num2 = 3 | %num3 = 4 | %color = y | goto add } if %color == y { %num2 = 4 | %num3 = 3 | %color = p | goto add } :add if $mid(%num,1, *1) != $null { %msg = %msg $+  $+ %num2 $+ , $+ %num3 $+ $mid(%num, 1,*1) $+  inc %num goto start } say %msg } _____________________________________________________________________ /e { %text = $replace(*1,a,) %text = $replace(%text,A,) %text = $replace(%text,b,) %text = $replace(%text,ae,) %text = $replace(%text,c,) %text = $replace(%text,d,) %text = $replace(%text,e, ) %text = $replace(%text,E, ) %text = $replace(%text,i,) %text = $replace(%text,l,) %text = $replace(%text,m,/|\) %text = $replace(%text,n, ) %text = $replace(%text,o,) %text = $replace(%text,O,) %text = $replace(%text,P,) %text = $replace(%text,w,\\') %text = $replace(%text,W,\\') %text = $replace(%text,f,f) %text = $replace(%text,F,f) %text = $replace(%text,cks,X) %text = $replace(%text,r,) %text = $replace(%text,s, ) %text = $replace(%text,t,t) %text = $replace(%text,T,t) %text = $replace(%text,u,) %text = $replace(%text,y,) %text = $replace(%text,?,) %text = $replace(%text,z,z) %text = $replace(%text,!,) /msg $Active %text } _____________________________________________________________________ Slap this shit in Popups Color .Colors ..Dark Blue:/msg $active 2 $+ $?5="Enter Text" ..Green:/msg $active 3 $+ $?6="Enter Text" ..Red:/msg $active 4 $+ $?7="Enter Text" ..Maroon:/msg $active 5 $+ $?8="Enter Text" ..Purple:/msg $active 6 $+ $?9="Enter Text" ..Tan:/msg $active 7 $+ $?0="Enter Text" ..Yellow:/msg $active 8 $+ $?11="Enter Text" ..Light Green:/msg $active 9 $+ $?12="Enter Text" ..Grey-Blue:/msg $active 10 $+ $?13="Enter Text" ..Light Blue:/msg $active 11 $+ $?14="Enter Text" ..Blue:/msg $active 12 $+ $?15="Enter Text" ..Pink:/msg $active 13 $+ $?16="Enter Text" ..Grey:/msg $active 14 $+ $?17="Enter Text" ..Light Grey:/msg $active 15 $+ $?18="Enter Text" .Other Things ..Bold:/msg $active  $+ $?1="Enter Text" ..Underlined:/msg $active  $+ $?2="Enter text" ..Highlighted:/msg $active  $+ $?3="Enter Text" ..Color:/msg $active  $+ $?4="Enter color number" $+ $?="Enter Text" ..Random color:/msg $active  $+ $rand(2,15) $+ $?5="Enter Text"2,15) $+ $?="Enter Text" _____________________________________________________________________ Here is the clone detector ;goes in aliases /clone { %t = 0 :start inc %t 1 if $nick(%t,#) == $null goto end if $address($nick(%t,#),3) == $null { whois $nick(%t,#) | /set %whois 1 } goto start :end if %whois == $null clone_ | /else timer 1 5 /clone unset %t | /unset %whois } /clone_ { set %u 0 | /set %x 0 | /unset %addlist :a inc %u 1 | /set %v 0 if $nick(%u,#) == $null goto out :b inc %v 1 if $nick(%v,#) == $null goto a if $nick(%u,#) == $nick(%v,#) goto b if $address($nick(%u,#),3) == $address($nick(%v,#),3) { if $address($nick(%v,#),3) !isin %addlist { set %addlist %addlist $address($nick(%v,#),3) | /inc %x 1 } } goto b :out msg # $str(1, ) if %x == 1 msg # $+ There is %x CLONE on # $+ | /else msg # $+ There are %x CLONES on # $+ if %addlist == $null goto end set %u 0 :c inc %u 1 | /set %v 0 | /set %w 1 | /unset %clone | /set %add $token(%u,32,%addlist) if %add == $null goto end :d inc %v 1 if $nick(%v,#) == $null goto c if %add == $address($nick(%v,#),3) { if %clone == $null set %clone $nick(%v,#) | /else set %clone %clone & $nick(%v,#) } inc %w 1 if (($nick(%w,#) == $null) && (%clone != $null)) { msg # $+ %clone $+ $+ %add $+ } goto d :end msg # Mike-311| | /msg # $str(1, ) | /unset %u | /unset %v | /unset %w | /unset %x | /unset %addlist | /unset %add | /unset %clone } ;"internal address list" must be checked on the "remote", "events" box. ;to start, type /clone ;or add this in popups, main window Clone:/clone (&^ productions (Mike-311)